We work hard to make sure each product we provide is of topnotch quality, and is shipped on a timely manner.
If for any reason you would like to ask for a refund/replacement, please contact us at support@trutronica.com and follow our guide.
If you need to modify an order (change of color, or size) or cancel your order, please know that you have 5 hours to do that after you completed your order and checked out. We can no longer accommodate order modifications after that 5-hour window has lapsed. Should there be changes, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you need to change your shipping address, please note that we can do it within 2 days after you have completed your order.
You have made the request for replacement/refund within 30 days. Shipping fee and handling fees are not refundable.
We make sure each product you receive is of top condition. Refund and reimbursements are provided if they meet the following criteria:
In the case of preferences, if you made an incorrect choice of size, this is not covered by our refund and reimbursement policies.
Please check the sizing chart we provided to avoid picking out the wrong size.
In the case of damaged, low quality products, we offer refund and replacements for the following reasons:
Please contact us with your order number and a clear photo that shows that the item is incorrect, the quality has been compromised, and the damage on the product you received.
Make sure to check our size chart carefully because ordering a wrong size isn’t covered by our policy.
We provide exchanges for smaller or bigger sizes than the original one of your item(s). The only fees you need to pay are shipping and handling fees. We will send you a breakdown of these fees via email.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, let us know by sending us a message.
We accept returned products that meet the following conditions:
Contact us first at support@trutronica.com to initiate the return and get your return approved, then please do the following:
After receiving tracking numbers from post offices or couriers, send the tracking number to support@trutronica.com.
You will receive an email as soon as we receive your items. You will get a notification from us whether your request has been approved or rejected.
You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning items. Know that shipping costs are not refundable. For some, the shipping costs will be deducted from the requested refund.
Email: support@trutronica.com Phone: